On the one hand, "Royal Post" LLC : 405416688 Address: Georgia, st. Tbilisi, Sh.Nutsubidze str #23
This agreement is entered into in order to use the products/services available through the company www.royalpost.ge.
Warning: Registration at www.royalpost.ge is subject to an adult natural person.
1. Subject of the agreement and general conditions of its validity
1.1. The subject of this agreement is the provision of the following types of products/services by the company to the user:
1.1 Pre-registration of the shipment;
1.2 Forwarding of the message / change of the addressee's address/identity;
1.3 service of delivering the shipment to the address;
1.4 increasing the storage period of the message;
1.5 Early return of the undelivered shipment to the sender;
1.6 Remote declaration of a customs-cleared parcel, the value of which is 10 GEL.
1.7 request for additional expertise;
1.8 The prerequisite for using the company's products/services through www.royalpost.ge is the user's registration on the digital services platform www.royalpost.ge and acceptance of the terms and conditions stipulated in this agreement.
1.9 Within the framework of registration, the user's personal account is opened, for which purpose the following fields are filled: name and surname, date of birth, personal number, mobile phone number, address, e-mail address, password, password confirmation. A one-time link is sent to the e-mail address for confirmation.
The user is obliged to securely store his personal account authentication settings (e-mail address and password).
The user assumes full responsibility for any actions performed under his account.
1.10 The password can be reset through the corresponding functionality, where a one-time link is sent to the e-mail address specified by the user, from which the user can set a new password.
1.11 After the completion of the registration process, a remote contract is concluded as a result of the selection of the relevant products/services by the user, the placing of the order and the payment of fees and other additional costs (if any), which is the basis for the initiation of the relevant performance by the company.
1.12 By agreeing to the terms and conditions provided for in this Agreement (Standard Terms of Agreement), the User declares his unconditional consent that the "User Guide" posted on the Company's website and information about the relevant products/services, including the fees for the products/services and other additional costs, for the provision of the products/services About terms and other conditions, as well as the policy of processing the user's personal data are an integral part of the distance contract.
Warning: from the moment of concluding a remote contract, the user loses the right to refuse the contract, as well as the right to return the products purchased in the online store to the company and the right to request the return of the fee paid for the delivery of products/services, except for the cases defined by this contract and the "User Guide" posted on the company's website.
2. Products/services fees and payment method
2.1. The user can use the relevant products/services through the digital services platform www.royalpost.ge in return for full payment of the fees and other additional costs (if any) for the products/services posted on the company's website.
2.2 Payment for the use of the company's products/services through www.royalpost.ge is made through the user's balance replenishment functionality, which is possible both by bank transfer and by using a quick deposit machine.
Warning: the amount placed on the user's balance can be returned based on the application and presentation of the payment order.
3. Rights and obligations of the parties
3.1 The user has the right to:
3.2 to request the delivery of the relevant product/service provided for in this Agreement;
3.3 In accordance with the conditions stipulated in this agreement, to demand compensation for the damages caused by the company.
3.4 The user is obliged to:
3.5 taking into account the specifics of the shipment and in order to comply with the safe delivery requirements, ensure that the shipment is properly packaged;
3.6 not send prohibited items;
3.7 to timely provide the company with the complete and correct information/documentation required for the delivery of the product/service provided for in this agreement, as well as the relevant information/documentation required by the legislation required for the performance of customs formalities and other actions;
3.8 to pay the service fee on time and in full;
3.9 to fully compensate the damage caused to the company as a result of the violation of the obligations provided for in this agreement.
3.9.1 The company has the right to:
3.9.2 refuse to supply the relevant product/service provided for in this Agreement, if the user does not meet and/or violates the requirements provided for in this Agreement;
3.9.3 to download, destroy or deface a message about the danger of which he was not properly informed. In addition, in this case, the company is released from the obligation to compensate for damages;
3.9.4 to request the provision of information/documentation required for the provision of the product/service provided for in this Agreement;
3.9.5 to request the fulfillment of obligations under this agreement, including payment of service fees;
3.9.6 to demand compensation for damages caused by the user.
3.9.7 The company is obliged to:
3.9.8 to provide the user with the product/service provided for in this agreement, if the user meets and/or does not violate the requirements provided for in this agreement;
3.9.9 to compensate the damage caused to the user in accordance with the conditions stipulated in this agreement.
4. Personal data processing policy and confidentiality obligation
4.1. The parties are obliged to protect the confidentiality of any kind of information received from the other party, both during the period of validity of the contract and after the end of the contractual relationship, except for the cases provided for in this contract.
4.2. The user declares and guarantees that he has familiarized himself with the user's personal data processing policy, which is located at www.royalpost.ge and is an integral part of this agreement. In addition, the user declares his consent to the processing of personal data (including name, surname, date of birth, personal number, address, e-mail address, telephone number) provided to the company within the framework of this agreement for the purpose of providing the services specified in this agreement.
4.3. The company declares and guarantees that it will process the personal data provided by the user in accordance with the applicable legislation and the policy of processing the user's personal data. In addition, the user's personal data may be processed for the following purposes:
4.4 In order to provide services to the user and fulfill the contractual obligations, including the personal account created by the user as a result of registration on the digital services platform www.royalpost.ge, management of orders and requests, provision of the requested product/service and/or information and/or statement/complaint / for the purpose of considering the complaint and/or providing consultation within the scope of what is necessary to fulfill the obligations assumed by the company to the user in accordance with the user's requirements and interests;
4.5 The company reserves the right to send SMS messages or e-mails to the customer for the purpose of direct marketing, including, within the scope of the company's activities and based on it, information about the company, new products/services, promotions, special offers and/or advertising material. in order to improve service quality and/or introduce new products/services;
4.6 The user has the right, at any time, without any explanation or justification, in the same form in which consent was given or in any other clearly expressed form, to revoke the consent given to the processing of personal data. In this case, according to the user's request, the data processing will be stopped and/or the processed data will be deleted or destroyed no later than 10 working days after the request, if there is no other reason for the data processing.
4.7 The user has the right at any time, without any fee or limitation, to request the termination of data processing for direct marketing purposes in the same form in which direct marketing is carried out or in any other clearly expressed form. In this case, in accordance with the request of the user, the processing of data for the purpose of direct marketing will be stopped within a reasonable period of time after receiving the request, but not later than 10 working days.
5. Scope of the Company's Liability
5.1. The company is responsible for the material damage caused to the user by non-fulfillment or non-fulfillment of this agreement, including in accordance with the conditions specified in the "User's Guide" and no more than the amount specified in the "User's Guide". However, material damage does not mean possible indirect damage caused to the user, including unearned income.
5.2. 5.1 of this agreement. Taking into account the clause, the company is obliged to compensate for damages not exceeding the amount indicated in the "User's Guide", which is caused by its fault as a result of the loss of the shipment (including the insured), total or partial damage or destruction of the contents of the shipment, if there are no circumstances excluding the company's responsibility, in particular, the company's responsibility excluded:
5.3 If the message is delivered in accordance with the procedures established by the company
Regarding the messages, the reason for which the addressee was not delivered was incorrect and/or incomplete information received from the user;
if the loss of the shipment or the absence or damage of its contents is caused by the fault of the sender (including improper packaging), or the properties of the contents;
if the shipment is improperly packaged;
Regarding the messages, the contents of which are breakable objects (including screens, dishes, chandeliers, bras, perfumes, any glassware, etc.);
if the message is externally damaged, although such damage did not cause damage to its contents;
if the message is not externally damaged, but the content is completely or partially damaged;
based on the current legislation, in case of seizure, destruction or confiscation of the message by the state authorities;
if in the case of shipment insurance, the insurance is carried out for a higher amount than the actual value of the shipment (in this case, only the actual value of the shipment is subject to reimbursement);
6. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution Procedure
6.1. The relationship between the parties is regulated in accordance with this Agreement, the "User Guide" and the current legislation of Georgia.
6.2. The parties agree that any disagreement/dispute arising between them shall be resolved through negotiation. In case of failure to reach an agreement, the dispute will be considered by the general courts of Georgia in accordance with the current legislation of Georgia.
7. Additional Terms
7.1. The parties declare that the company undertakes to supply only those products/services that are specified and properly requested by the user in accordance with this agreement.
7.2. The company reserves the right to unilaterally change the terms and conditions specified in this agreement, as well as the "User Guide" posted on the company's website and information about the relevant products/services, including the price of the products/services and other additional costs, the terms of delivery of the products/services and other About the terms, in which case the change is effective from the date of posting on the company's website without further notice to the user.
7.3. The company reserves the right to apply a penalty if, within 10 days from the date of delivery of the parcel/cargo, the debt is not fully paid and the parcels are removed, to collect 10 GEL from the client for each overdue day.